Website Manager

Middletown Little League Baseball & Softball


Application Process for Team Manager or Coach 
1. Fill out the Volunteer Section during the online registration process for Team Manager or Coach - 
this will give the league an idea what division you would like to volunteer for and create an online registration for you to be assigned a team if you are selected.    
You will also be asked to upload a copy of your drivers Lisc, Rutgers Card, Concussion Course Certificate and accomplish JDP background check application.
2. Background Check - A background check is required and will be performed for all volunteers based on information gathered on coach application. 
3. Accomplish a Rutgers Safety course and upload a copy of your card into your online profile - 
if you need to take the Rutgers Safety Course, email Todd Kunego at [email protected] for information, or you can visit the Rutgers Safety Course website and take it with another organization.  Click Here for the Rutgers Youth Sports Clinic Schedule
4. Accomplish Heads UP Youth Sports online Concussion Training Course and upload a copy of the certificate into your online profile - you can accomplish the course online.  Click here for the HEADS UP youth sports online concussion training

Applying to volunteer for Team Manager or Coach is more involved than signing up for a two hour slot at the snack bar.   
The Little League® manager and coaches must be leaders. All must recognize that they hold a position of trust and responsibility in a program that deals with a sensitive and formative period of a child’s development.  It is required that the manager and coach have understanding, patience and the capacity to work with children. The manager and coach should be able to inspire respect. Above all else, managers and coaches must realize that they are helping to shape the physical, mental and emotional development of young people.

Each year, the president selects and appoints the managers and coaches. As such, no person becomes a manager or coach without the approval of the president. All appointments are subject to final approval by the local league’s board of directors.  No manager or coach is guaranteed to be appointed each year.

Only the local Little League board of directors has the authority to remove or suspend a manager or coach. If a parent or anyone else is dissatisfied with a manager or coach, they must present the issue to the local league president and board of directors. 
However, any person who believes that a manager or coach (or any other Little League personnel) is, or has been, violently or sexually abusive to children should report the situation immediately to Little League Baseball International Headquarters as well as to the local police. It is Little League policy that no person who has a history of sexual abuse toward children be given any volunteer responsibilities in Little League. 

The Middletown Little League is run entirely by volunteers and we collect a $75 Volunteer Bond each year from each family as an incentive to complete at least two hours of volunteer work.  Each year we solicit parents to volunteer in a variety of roles:  snack bar duty, field maintenance, Player evals, Picture days, Parade Days, Managing teams and Coaching.  When registering your players, you can indicate a role you would be interested in.  Once the Parent Volunteer Schedule is complete, parents will have the opportunity to sign up for the day and time they would like to accomplish the two hour duty assignments.   At the end of the season, we issue back a $75 check to each family who fulfilled their volunteer obligation.

Local Sponsors

Middletown Little League

Middletown Little League, P.O. BOX 30
Middletown, New Jersey 07748

Phone: 732-788-6530

Email: [email protected]

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